Basically everything seems to be wrong here. Start with a control reaction where you know the primers (an probe if you use one instead of SYBR Green) should give you a positive and quantifiable result to validate your instrument and your pipeting. Then, make sure your own primers work using proper controls. More details would be too much for this space. Make sure that you follow the basic guidelines for qPCRs.
I wonder if you optimized your primers' temperature first. If not, then u better start from there. Check at which temperature each primer of yours works the best. Make sure to have use samples' DNA (Positive CTRL) as well as NTC (Negative CTRL). If your PCR machine doesn't allow checking various temperature simultaneously, then try a certain temperature for all ur primers at one run and document the optimum feature for each primer. If the primer didn't give you a positive curve at any temperature, I recommend u get another primer then.
If things worked well, make sure when u r analysing ur samples to include NTC, though its value is of no importance it just assures you that the run went well.