Consciousness pervades everything. In me Consciousness makes me conscious, aware. Otherwise I am alternatively aware, at sleep, dreaming, unconscious, or dead. Consciousness is the driving force and the One background. All of us exist on this background and imagine our own individual separate existence, when in actuality, its all One. The little packet of Consciousness which I call 'I/Me' thus initially differentiates the 'me' and the world around me as the 'not-me' and as 'other'.
This limited selfishness in identity and actions creates problems which cause pain, disease, delays, disappointments, death...They in turn afford opportunities for us to learn and evolve in Consciousness. Initially, problems are blamed on external sources and causes and solutions too are sought externally, for example: Technology. The realization that 'All problems affecting us are made by ourselves' & 'All my problems are self-made' happens. Realising for the first time that others too are in pain, selfish individuals grow more aware and begin to share and help others. Cooperation happens instead of competition. Taking responsibility for one's actions instead of blaming it on 'external' factors happens. In a higher state, realization happens that since the problem started from me, the solution too lies in me. So from a individual and self-identifying selfish animal existence, man evolves to a unselfish, self-forgetting higher man, aware of the Unity of all as One.
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world"-Dhammapada
This is the story of evolution on earth in a nutshell. It is the story of 'Evolution of Consciousness" which can be understood and utilized to solve all human problems because the human being is central to existence and 'all my problems are self-made'.. I am the center of my existence. That is why all philosophies exhort one to "Know Thyself" instead of exploring or working with the external world.
Normally the evolution form an unaware lower animal selfish state to a higher altruistic state happens through nature created hurdles. When one realises that the problems are only the nature's messengers/symptoms and the real message is to evolve higher, nature leaves us on our own as we have matured from the 'teenager' state to responsible adulthood. Here we are expected to make our own choices, keeping the 'natural plan of earth' in mind. Resources such as the body, family, society, the environment, technology are expected to be used wisely only for the welfare of others. This limited freedom of action is known as free will. We are expected to use this free will and make choices leading to actions with the welfare of mankind in mind. This conscious and aware altruistic action is aided by nature(stardom, political office, leadership..). However if we misuse nature's freedom and power for our own selfish desires, we experience the 'fall' once again. A conscious self-effort to free the mind from the thralldom and lower attractions of material desires is called Yoga, with which one attaches or yokes oneself to the highest Consciousness.
This understanding of Consciousness can be used to alter and transform human nature from lower selfish states to higher altruistic states, cure over consumption/addiction and create sustainable natural cooperation instead of artificial competition and conflict.
Translations into practical implementable models needed. Please contribute your expertise.