I have a design for one but require the High Voltage DC power supply (not sure if the lab has one, waiting for an answer- I BELIEVE we do, but without it- I am at a loss, as i would need SO LONG TO MAKE ONE based on what I have researched, and I DO NOT have that kind of time-frame to work with. Is there a way to simply make less turns on both the secondary and the primary (still ensuring frequencies are close to the same, with maybe a 10% difference to make up for change in Hz) so that I can somehow use a smaller, more accessible or easier to make type of power supply, whether I need a battery bank or if anyone has a better idea?? I'm not even positive how to design A BATTERY BANK haha.... with Covid-19 we have not been IN THE LAB yet are still required to make and do our Term Project and this is NOT AN SIMPLE FEAT.

PLEASE HELP!!! I have a terminal/barrier strip to avoid the need for soldering (since I never have) and I have a glue gun rearing to get some components glued to a base. But I'm not going to get my copper wire or order my ceramic capacitors until I have an answer to my power supply issue, or it's all pointless, unless like I said can I just make it on a smaller scale? And IF SO THEN WHAT DO I USE FOR THE POWER?? Keep in mind, I do not have A TON OF $$ to dump into this either, so just "buying it" is not a realistic option... Any help is much appreciated. I know there are many wise mind on here. Please and thank you in advance.

Sincerely Yours,

Line-WOMAN in Training

1st year Certification for Electrical Utility Technology

Quinsigamond Community College

Worcester, Massachusetts USA

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