للتدين علاقة وطيدة بالصحة النفسيةلان صاحب الدين وعندنا المؤمن بالله العلي العظيم يكون أكثر ثبات وقوة أمام كل صعوبات الحياة ومعوقاتها ويكون صاحب ثقة وقدرة وصلابة على مواجهتها وإيجاد الحلول السليمة فضلا على أنه يكون دائما متوكلا على الله محبا للحياة متفائلا غير يؤس لاتضايق به الحياة حتى يفكر بالانتحار او الخلاص من الحياة في ابسط مواجه له لمشاكل اجتماعية او اقتصادية او نفسية
اوغيرها من المشكلاته هذا توضيح بسيط لحالة المتدين من منظوراسلامي
للتدين علاقة وطيدة بالصحة النفسيةلان صاحب الدين وعندنا المؤمن بالله العلي العظيم يكون أكثر ثبات وقوة أمام كل صعوبات الحياة ومعوقاتها ويكون صاحب ثقة وقدرة وصلابة على مواجهتها وإيجاد الحلول السليمة فضلا على أنه يكون دائما متوكلا على الله محبا للحياة متفائلا غير يؤس لاتضايق به الحياة حتى يفكر بالانتحار او الخلاص من الحياة في ابسط مواجه له لمشاكل اجتماعية او اقتصادية او نفسية
اوغيرها من المشكلاته هذا توضيح بسيط لحالة المتدين من منظوراسلامي
awghyrha min almushkilatih hdha tawdih basit lihalat almutadayin min mnzwraslami
عرض المزيد
The religion has a strong relationship with mental health, the religion and our believer in God Almighty is more stable and strong in front of all the difficulties and obstacles of life and be confident and ability and hard to face and find solutions to sound as well as that he is always dependent on God love of life optimistic not to disturb the life until he thinks suicide Or salvation from life in the simplest face of social, economic or psychological problems
Or other problems This is a simple clarification of the religious situation of the perspective
I think the statistic of mental health issue in Muslim country is not available. It would be nice to know about this. There are good studies discussing the positive impact of religion in general and in Muslim countries in particular.
There is a strong relationship between religiosity and mental health of the Muslim, and the more religious the Muslim and worship of God and belief in him whenever it positively affected his psyche and mind because the teachings of religion provide spiritual support for the Muslim
Arina, I do not recall any books about the mental state of Muslim when I did a research on Islam. However there are two books that I used in my Pastoral Counseling Courses that would be helpful in helping you to understand what to do in counseling someone with mental issues. 1. "The Quick-Reference Guide to Biblical Counseling" by Dr. Tim Clinton and Dr. Ron Hawkins shares an entire chapter on counseling those with mental disorders (page 162). It was published in 2009 by Baker Publishing Group in Grand Rapids, MI. 2. "Counseling the Hard Cases" by Stuart Scott and Heath Lambert. Chapter 5 discusses "Fear" and chapter 7 discusses "Bipolar Disorders". It was published in 2015 by B & H Publishing Group in Nashville, TN. I hope you will be able to find these books at Amazon or Barnes and Nobles, or maybe even in your library. God Bless!!!!
not yet united Muslims who hate each other, insult, even drop. for example in Indonesia now in 2019 is the political year between two presidential couples. but in fact on the ground they fellow Muslims spread hatred, hostility, which resulted in the loss of Islam due to politics. This is different from minority Muslims. they are united together, helping in distress.
First of all we should differentiate between religion or religious worldviews and political ideology that uses religion to gain power and other mundane/material benefits.