Please check your hydrogen generator pressure and also your air compressor for air pressure and moisture....Remove water from outlet of air compressor and also fill the water bottle of Hydrogen Generator.
Some GC systems require make up gas such as nitrogen to enhanced response or to record better signals arises due to the process of combustion in Flame ionization detector (FID). Since, the make up plays an important role in an analysis. Most of the electronic Pressure control (EPC) systems facilitate you to add value for make up gas (in ml/min) directly through the operating software. If you have an EPC system (Its a EPC system, I suppose), then you need to fill the required parameter directly into the software. Now, the question is how incorporate this value? Please remember that the proportion of gases in an FID is like carrier: combustion gas : oxidizer is 1: 1: 10 ratio. On this line, the allowed ratios for these gases are 30: 30: 300-400 ml/min. Moreover, you need to verify the flow at detector end.
Do the following steps:
1. See if an aromatic peak or water extinguished the flame. Put the FID temp above 200 degree to remove the condensed water vapors.
2. FID jet may be blocked. Check it
3. Verify that the gas flow settings are correct. Uneven hydrogen : zero air ratio alters ignition process.
If nothing goes you way, please call the service engineer.