a few my comments concerning your question (briefly).
We have used java- based libraries for developing all the GIS fu nctions/tools.
With the use of GeoTools library, all the main tools for spatial data visualisation , support of map layers, editing spatial objects etc. Creation of buffer zones and overlays is implemented based on PostgreSQL +PostGIS. Gislib library is a basis for development of GIS module architecture.
We created 2 different versions of GIS module: desktop and web-version.
You may find and download our GIS - DecernsGIS DE (Desktop Edition) from the w-site
You can there find also web system DecernsSDSS (read about).
Another option is to use MeteoInfo library if Java or C# is used (http://www.meteothinker.com/). It's free and easy to be used with powerful meteorological dataset support.