HI Lily! PTSD used to be classified under anxiety disorders in previous versions of the DSM, but in the DSM-V it was moved to trauma and stressor-related disorder category (PTSD NOT AN ANXIETY DISORDER? DSM COMMITTEE PROPOSAL TURNS BACK THE HANDS OF TIME doi:10.1002/da.20899). However, I believe, there is an ongoing debate about where it actually belongs. Here is the meta-analysis paper regarding trait anxiety being a risk factor for stress-induced depression: Weger, M. & Sandi, C. High anxiety trait: A vulnerable phenotype for stress-induced depression. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 87, 27–37 (2018).
I do animal research on trait anxiety and its potential contribution to maladaptive behavioral strategies. If you are interested in the topic we can discuss it further.
Professionally, in the US all must refer you to DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for PTSD.
Personally, as someone who grew up in a war zone, I didn't even know I had it until a family member passed and that led to a downward spiral of dissociation and heavy drinking, which in turn resulted in substance-induced bipolar.
I have no recollection of past events, or feel the passage of time. I know them intuitively, but not in a explicit way.