Trait is an individual disposition, which does not change over time. State is temporary and reflects that way an individual reacts towards a stimulus. Anxiety can be a trait (someone is usually anxious regardless the stressful character of the stimulus) or a state (someone can be anxious in response to a particularly stressful situation like job interview). An attitude is an evaluation of an object (my job), which consist of a cognitive (what I know about it), an affective (what I feel) and conative (how would I behave towards it). Behaviour in the workplace can be seen as a consequence of one's attitudes towards different job-related targets (satisfied with his/her job), but also of one's dispositional profile (emotionally stable) and current context (high unemployment in the sector).
I have very little to add to Marina Burakov's reply, other than to note that Mischel (1973, Psy Review) notes that Behavior is a function of both person (e.g., attitude, personality) and the situation to which they are exposed.
Well if you generate a related study these four categories have to investigate what is your hypothesis you propose as there are uncontrollable variables that are not available or control this phenomenon to studies from the prospect of the methodology that applies to your research will have to limit the study subject especially if you have behavioral tendencies of individuals involved in an organization
Well speak of behavior is a complex dimension, what is sought especially in instruments application in qualitative research is to associate some variables such as trait and attitude, however you have to take care not to rate the degree of perception of the actors involved certain opinions in the processes of inquiry, but the way the question as eleboramos and hypotheses that we set for these variables of interest.
An attitude includes a long lasting way of believing , feeling, and intending to behave toward an object, idea, person, or group of persons. It has three components such as cognitive, affective, and behavioural tendency. Basically your attitude about someone or something may be positive or negative. For example, you (assume you are a departmental manager) can have a positive attitude about trade unions in your organization. In other words, you believe in, feel positively and intend to behave positively toward trade unions.
Behaviour is actual action one has done. It is the way one has acted in a particular way. It is not an attitude but it affects attitude. For example, assume that the trade union of an organization has requested to provide a canteen facility within the organization which is not having that facility now. You are the HR Manager and you decided to have a meeting with the relevant union leaders. Your decision to have a meeting with the union leaders is your behavior.
Trait is defined as a special quality or characteristic possessed by a person. It may be even a genetically determined characteristic. Intelligence, alertness to the needs of others, appearance, creativity, flexibility, and integrity are examples of traits.
State is defined in this context as a particular situation. It is a particular condition in which one is at a particular time.
If an attempt is made to find relationships among the above concepts or variables, it is possible to view that attitude is an independent variable and behaviour is a dependent variable while trait and state are moderators. There is attitude-behaviour link. Generally attitudes predict behavior and, therefore attitudes and behaviours are linked. Example: Mrs R has a positive attitude toward democratic leadership. Her leadership style (behaviour) becomes democratic.
Trait can be considered as a moderating variable which will cancel the relationship between attitude and behavior. Example: Mr. Manoj believes that government university teaching is a great thing and likes very much to do it. He has a positive attitude toward government university teaching. Will he do government university teaching? In other words will his attitude be consistent with his behavior? Assume that he does not have traits such as intelligence, creativity, and communication; and has never done any research. Hence, he does not do government university teaching. Thus, trait is a factor on which attitude-behaviour link depends.
State is another factor affecting attitude-behaviour link. Assume that Mr.Lal has a negative attitude about women in management. He joins a new company where his superior is a female. However, he finds that his peers behave positively with the superior. Consequently he has to respond positively to his female superior (even though his behavior is inconsistent with his attitude).