Currently working on ground moving target detection and imaging using synthetic aperture radar imagery. I need to know what are the recent new trends in this area for continuing this for my future research work..
more specifically I need to detect the ground moving object like vehicle sized moving object for an application in traffic monitoring in civilian or military , using synthetic aperture radar imagery. from literature I found that many algorithms presented for SAR GMTI processing, rcent clutter removal & detection of object in SAR images mostly used Keystone transform, but again it has some lacuna for accurate detection & imaging. Also it has high computational complexity. some uses radon transform, matched filter , second order keystone transform for parameter estimation etc. I need to find the exact scope for my research...
The best way to see what current research areas are "hot" is to peruse the proceedings of relevant radar conferences. I suggest beginning with recent IEEE radar conference proceedings, and perhaps SPIE proceedings from the Defense & Security Symposium. You might also include VideoSAR processing in your survey.