For my master thesis I am currently designing a single case study. Due to the limited size of the case organisation the case study will be of qualitative nature.

The purpose of the single case study research is to test/verify whether an existing, generic theory is applicable to the case study context based on qualitative research and based on the findings, conclude suitability for the case context and possibly come up with alterations to the existing framework.

I am stuck on two parts:

First, what would be an adequate case study method for the purpose of this research? I've read about Grounded Theory which assumes the researcher starts without a theoretical concept or framework and also about theory-testing using qualitative case studies. But neither seems to be directly applicable to my research needs.

Second, I have not been able to find a process, grounded in literature to approach framework testing/verification using qualitative methods. I find it odd that I can find no books or other literature that breaks down the process of steps (for example, by designing an interview/interview questions based on variables in an existing framework).

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