I do not know a specific test for boiling soaking. The soaking tests carried out, for example, on grains, to study the grains soaking kinetics and to estimate the coefficient of water diffusion in their structure, sometimes carried out at different temperatures, to then apply the law of Arrhenius and estimate the activation energy. See for example:
- C. Engels, M. Hendrickx, S. De Sarnblanx, I. De Gryze and P. Tobback (1986) Modelling Water Diffusion During Long-grain Rice Soaking Journal of Food Engineering 5 (1986) 55-73
- M. Bello, M.P. Tolaba, R.J. Aguerre, C. Suarez (2010) Modeling water uptake in a cereal grain during soaking, Journal of Food Engineering 97 (2010) 95–100
Now, the soaking in boiling should be similar, but with the water boiling, i.e., at temperature of 100 ºC.
I think you could use a diffusion test with boiling water, I suggest to follow the ASTM D5229 Standard:
Standard Test Method for Moisture Absorption Properties and Equilibrium Conditioning of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials.
However keep in mind that most likely you will end up above the glass transition temperature of the material during soaking, this could cause some relaxation if your samples are subjected to mechanical loads while soaking.
If you are asking about the aging of GFRPs, you can follow the ASTM D5229 standard as suggested by Abedin. But you might face the issue of water evaporation. So care should be taken that you keep monitoring the water level and the temperature. Hope this helps!