Many people say the following:

:"With a motor with an output of 50 HP, to convert the HP output into Watts is:

50 HP x 746 Watts/ HP = 37,300 Watts or converting to kiloWatts (kW) = 37.3 kW

A motor of this size probably typically has an efficiency of 90% to 93% (0.90 to 0.93).

For our purposes, assume the motor has an efficiency of 92% ( or 0.92).

So divide the output (50 HP) by the efficiency (0.92), to get the energy required to be input into the motor, to get 50 HP.

So --- 37,300 Watts / 0.92 = ~ 40,500 Watts is required to be input to the motor to get the 50 HP output.

In terms of kiloWatts (kW), --- the terms that your electric company charges you --- this is approximately 40.5 kW.

To run this motor for 1 hour, the energy is 40.5 kW x 1 hour = 40.5 kWh""

Its not true I guess... Its not for No load condition..

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