In my opinion social accounting is the study of the mass occurence issues in the society. I'm interested in studying the effects of natural disasters on business and analysis of the threats caused by environmental pollution.
I`d say that the macroeconomic measures of agregate social benefits are focusing on oppotunities to let companies find ways to increase revenues (because it works well to GDP growth) but without exposing to social risks (that could compromise well being).
Hello, your job "Social accounting and social risk" sound interesting, can obtain him job, because I am work a similary research, but based in tax risk.
Social accounting is the study of the occurrences and the situations in the environment. Issues like demographic and geographical records. The is no accurate and reliable sources, especially when it come to population census. It is sometimes difficult to get accurate figure.
You may find the following article of value: de Villiers, C., Rinaldi, L., & Unerman, J. (2014). Integrated Reporting: Insights, gaps and an agenda for future research. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 27(7), 1042-1067.