I would like to think of a protocol for investigating adverse events for health institutions, so I am looking for suitable references to guide this creation.
Hello Ítalo Lennon Sales de Almeida shall I recommend my thesis? There are a good range of literature regarding patient safety, as well as information about the most widely terminology for patient safety events recommended by WHO.
Please check the link below from Escola de Enfermagem da USP:
Thesis Intervenções para a redução dos erros de identificação do pa...
Cultural safety of patients is paramount and actually even doing an investigation into any known or presumed near sentinel events with all involved starts with the workers feeling confident that this report can be used to help the company and not be afraid their management only wants good new and will ignore or persecute mistakes I believe the main issue today is that a lot of fear cause people to not even report the issues
Kayla Kocian Thanks for your answer. I agree with everything you brought to this discussion. The way we present the investigation of sentinel events and how we approach our professionals is fundamental to the success of the investigation.