09 September 2019 19 9K Report

In Michaelis-Menten experiments the substrate concentration is varied and Km values and Vmax/kcat values are obtained. My question is what corresponding terms are called when it is the allosteric effector that is varied instead of the substrate. In my case, the same type of hyperbolic curve is obtained as if the substrate was varied in a Micahaelis-Menten experiment. However, I am uncertain if I then should call the affinity constant Km or Kd. In strict terms, the Km is not a pure affinity constant since also kcat is involved in the definition (Km = (k-1+kcat)/k1) but I guess it is different in this case when it is the effector that is varied (it should be affinity in this case). Similarly, I also wonder if Vmax/kcat is the proper term for these kind of assays.

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