Cluster randomised controlled trials (cluster RCT) in which existing groups (clusters) are recruited to a trial and randomly allocated to one treatment or another are potentially very valuable in health care because often changes cannot be applied to individuals. Examples might be staff education or changes in the organisation of care. Typically the clusters consist of teh group of patients or staff from a particular health provider or setting (for example a hospital unit, a general practice) and the cluster is the unit that is randomised.

I have on occasion seen studies in which there are two participating units, one of which is randomly allocated to receive an intervention described as a cluster RCT. In my view it is ridiculous to describe this as a cluster RCT and I struggle to see that randomisation adds much to the ability to make an inference - but if I am right, how many clusters are required before it is legitimate to call it a cluster RCT? Discus...

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