The work expended on the motion of the system, for example, in a non-homogeneous space, consists from the work which going to the moving of its center of mass and the work that changes the internal energy of the system. The dynamics of the system is determined by internal symmetries of the system and the symmetry of the space in which the system motion. This is what I call the principle of dualism of the symmetry. For the equilibrium system in the non-homogeneous field of force, the entropy of the system is increased. The increase of entropy is equal to the relation of the increment of internal energy to its full value. This is equivalent to the dissipation of the energy of motion of the system (see for example: Somsikov V.M. Transition from the mechanics of material points to the mechanics of structured particles. Modern Physics Letter B. Issue 4. Feb 2016 DOI: 10.1142/S0217984916500184. P.1-11)
Power Factor is the ratio of Real to Apparent Power.
Apparent Power will have a mean phase error, lagging or leading.
In mechanical generators, this could be corrected by adjusting the phase error while maintaining frequency to reduce reactive currents and thus conductive loses.