In the medical dictionary : Here is the definition
Suspended state of life by drought (anhydrobiose) or very low temperatures (hibernation). This is the case of encysted bacteria, eggs of Artemia, among other many examples. The organization is preserved and the active life can resume when the conditions become favorable. Anabiotic: adj. and N. to be alive that can be revived after a period of anabiosis. Also qualifies any process that allows the return to life of a living being in Anabiose.
However, I found this word used in animal nutrition, in feed additives?
Yes the term anabiotic may refer, as you reported to a condition of appaerentl death.
Also it's used to define any product which is beneficial to the vital reactivation as "bringing back to life agent". Recently I've read about some food having beneficial power on human or animal life, those are usual called Anabiotics or Probiotics (ana- and pro- are both suffixes coming from ancient Greek having the same meaning of "supporting' ; bio is the ancient Greek for "life").