Intuitively I would say that the number of concepts is bounded by min(2|O| , 2|A|) where O and A are resp the objects and attributes sets. I get this (most likely wrong) intuition from the observaton that given X0, X1 included in O and the Y0 , Y1 included in A, for any pair of concepts (X0,Y0) and (X1,Y1) we have X0=X1 iff Y0=Y1. Thus there can not be more concepts than the number of object sets neither than the number of attribute sets appearing in the lattice. But the best upper bounds I find in some research papers are much more larger than the one I propose : for example 2|O|+|A|, or 2sqrt(|O|.|A|). And I really dont understand why... Could someone explain me where is my mistake ?