The intedigitated bac contacted cells are types of high efficiency cells and have some basic advantages against the front contacted cells. Since the metallization is in the rear side, the front side remains free of metal and consequentially no partial metallization shadowing. The other advantage is that the cells will be flat lying and no need to leave spaces between them for interconncting wres. Normally n-type silicon is used as a substrate. Since the electrons will be collected from the rear side n+ regions beside the p+ emitter must exist. The metal on the n+ cathode layer has more or less the same geometry and dimentions as the front metal network. The pitch is determined by the lateral series resistance of the n+ top layer under the anti reflection layer. This resistance must be sufficiently small to avoid appreciable reduction in the fill factor. Or the voltage drop across this resistance must be much smaller than the open circuit voltage at the short circuit current. The lateral resistance Rl = rohl X P/ t xL where rohl is the resistivity of the n+ toplayer, t its thickness, P IS the pitch and L is the length of the metal path along the solar cell. the ratio rohl/t is the sheet resistance of the n+ layer.
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