Consider the famous fractal sets, Mandelbrot and Julia sets. They are based on the idea of choosing two complex numbers Z(0) and C with proper run time and escape-region. They are achieved by repeatedly evaluating the following equation:

Z(n+1) = Z(n)^2+C

For example, in Mandelbrot set, consider a 400×400 mesh when x is in [-2.5 1.5], y is in [-1.5 1.5], run-time is 32 and the escape region is 2.

The final plot is as follows

The yellow part in that figure corresponds to the points in which the value of the function never reaches the escape region. However, the different spectrum of the blue points corresponds to the iterations in which the function crosses the escape region

I have two questions:

a) Is there any study on the transient part of such process (and not steady state)

b) What happens when we don’t consider escape-region?

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