The old dilemma between necessity and contingency seems still open. Do you think that the world is governed by necessity? And if so, how? Or else, do your think that contingency, and probably uncertainty and randomness are determinant?
Dear Nyonman, please accept my sincere apologies for my delay in replying to your answer. I have had several troubles with the link RG-My University. As a consequence I do not get notifications any longer - neither about the questions, nor about the answers I am interested in.
Gobernar implica tener información adecuada para la toma de decisiones, y esto implica contemplar las contingencias. El conocimiento del entorno permite diseñar estrategias y políticas que puedan adaptarse a las variantes que surjan.
Dear Amanda, Thank you very much for your answer. What you mean is that any real process about gathering as much information as necessary includes taking into consideration also contingencies and not-knowns. Is that right? Our own actions and strategies would then follow from such consideration.
I could' t agree more with you. Any person who truly thinks in the broadest and deepest sense of the word does take into consideration contingencies and randomness as an essential feature, not just as a mere possibility.