I see and hear allot of people say 3rd class are hard to employ in organization and most times can not go for masters, what must a 3rd class graduate do to fit into becoming employable and maybe go for masters
Good question Okpe Matthew Oti It's understandable that a person graduating with a third class might mean that he or she didn't perform well academically. We also understand that many factors are now involved; not necessarily poor or not serious academically, but could have been affected by other competing factors for success. However, let it not become a general knowledge that 'academic knowledge or success is directly proportional to being successful or success filled in life'. In other words academic success can never be equated with life success. It all happens by chance and luck!!!! We will keep begging the money market to recruit employees on the basis of gifted hands and not based on good certificates. The academic world should also individualize their students. That way, one can get to know and solve the problems of academic poor performances.