A semiconductor or metal that shows quantum confinement effect due to reduction in grain size, is called quantum dot. In QD the quantum confinement direction/dimension is 3. In SCs QC occurs if the grain size is equal to or less than the exiton Bohr radius, while in metal, if the grain size is equal to or less than the mean free path of charge carrier.
A semiconductor or metal that shows quantum confinement effect due to reduction in grain size, is called quantum dot. In QD the quantum confinement direction/dimension is 3. In SCs QC occurs if the grain size is equal to or less than the exiton Bohr radius, while in metal, if the grain size is equal to or less than the mean free path of charge carrier.
Semiconductor nanocrystals that have tunable band gap by changing their particle size. moreover, excitons are confined in all three spatial dimensions. Their electronic properties are between those of bulk semiconductors and of discrete molecules.
every particle as 3 dimension (i.e. length, breath, height), when these 3 Dimension of a particle is confined to less than 1nm it is called Quantum dot.
Karimat El-Sayed, Physics department , faculty of science .Ain-Shams university, Egypt
the quantum Dots are Nano size grains which have sizes in the range from (1-10nm), each size will have its quantum-confined photonic and electronic properties.
It is very good question and well stated by the people above....most of the terms used were attribute of quantum dots and some property was about dimension confinement.
"Apart from 3D confined structure the important thing that I found is important for Quantum dots is it should have the radius very close or lesser than Bohr's radius value" it is the position where particle shows its specific quantum mechanical property as stated by Toka"
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