I have tried experimental acupressure treatment myself in headache episodes, with a great succes in the painrelief, but there is stadistics about this method?
I`m not a scientist, but and industrial Designer. I have Headache episodes from long a year, at least one in two days. In ocations suffer from 2 to 1 diary, soy in desesperatión started to experimened myself in non-traditional ways too relief the pain. Ice, exercise, hiperventilation, iscochronic tones, and acupressure.
I started to pressure with my nail in diferent spots of my head finding wich feels more "painfully" (its ambiguos the feeling ) i find 2, 3 spots and started to press the most spots possible. Then like in 5, 7 minutes i feel and rare efect of anaesthetic around the painfully spot, the eye most likely. It reduce drastically the pain on the critic time in the 30-50minutes of duratión, to a tolerable state.
If you want too know more about my self-experimentes send me a message, i also have a proyect related to these phatology in the aborting method and preventing, from the discipline of my carreer.
Although cluster headache (CH) is the most disabling form of primary headache, little evidences regarding alternative and complementary therapies are available. There is one article in which this acupuncture was used in 4 cases and good results were found. kindly read it
Fofi L, Allais G, Quirico PE, Rolando S, Borgogno P, Barbanti P, Benedetto C.Acupuncture in cluster headache: four cases and review of the literature.Neurol Sci. 2014;35:1:195-8.