Please share your experience on the effectiveness or challenges on online teaching during Covid-19 lock down. Share your experience about challenges, technology, online learning platform, courseware development, etc.
Online teaching remains the best solution to assure the continuity of education (at either level) in severely affected countries. However, many challenges should be taken into consideration, especially in countries with limited resources. Besides potential technical problems (such as unstable or low speed internet connection, and equipment maintenance), online teaching might be disadvantageous for most vulnerable students who may encounters difficulties to access online courses.
Evaluating the effectiveness of online learning during COVID-19 period requires a huge survey as the situations vary from country to country. However, online teaching worked very well with postgraduate classes and my undergraduate students needed much more face to face instructions.
Mācības tiek īstenotas tiešsaitē un attālināti. Motivētie un apzinīgie studenti vēl vairāk attīsta savas mācīšanās prasmes, apgūst jaunus paņēmienus, vairāk pievēršas tēmām, ka prasa piepūli vai ieinteresē. Mazāk motivētie studenti, kuriem grūtības sagādā darba plānošana un patstāvīga mācīšanās visu atliek uz pēdējo brīdi, kavē un cieš no pārslodzes perioda noslēgumā. Krīze varētu radīt vēl lielāku plaisu zināšanās starp tiem, kas var, prot un grib mācīties un tiem, kas to vēl neprot, negrib.
COVID-19 pandemic oriented and reinforced both teachers and learners, especially those who did not use to online learning, in virtual education systems using Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Team platforms. It teaches us how to cope with some unprecedented global challenges and continue education. However, the effectiveness of online education might not be as good as face-to-face education in a classroom environment. In my view, the effectiveness of online teaching depends on many factors including teacher's levels of familiarity with online education, stable internet connection, availability and accessibility of e-learning resources.
I did 4 questionnaires (CAWI) about it in Poland. Main problems: student fatigue, difficulties with motivation to learn, parents not helping their children and learning too much. 20-25% - problems with computers and Internet access.
@Grzegorz Całek MOTIVATION is one main issue. Since online learning should be self-motivated and self-paced. The current online learning structure is still confined to VDO confeencing.
One of the challenges is that the existing infrastructure was not built based on social distances. Students continue to use the same lecture halls with tables and chairs not friendly during corvid crisis, especially in third world countries. Repairing this infrastructure requires money. But also the possibility of online studies is difficult due to poor communication in our countries.
@Galinona thank you for your sharing. It helps us see that online learning could not benefit all students around the world. Without the necessary technological infrastructure, online learning could not be implemented. A more forward think would be MOBILE or PORTABLE COURSEWARE where students can learn through their handheld devices without relying on the Internet.
Online teaching remains the best solution to assure the continuity of education (at either level) in severely affected countries. However, many challenges should be taken into consideration, especially in countries with limited resources. Besides potential technical problems (such as unstable or low speed internet connection, and equipment maintenance), online teaching might be disadvantageous for most vulnerable students who may encounters difficulties to access online courses.
Interestingly, in some independent( private) schools, despite :1-teachers working extremely hard, 2-using multiple and engaging tools, 3-whether teaching, and access to resources were asynchronous or structured timetable and synchronous, or 4-whether students enjoyed internet and dvice use.... many did not cope well. Self regulation, and maturity, motivation without social structure and contact, seem important factors.
Es difícil dar una respuesta simple. La efectividad no es uniforme. Depende de muchos factores, por ejemplo, el acceso a internet; las habilidades de los profesores para desarrollar de manera virtual clases que eran presenciales.
Cuando se ha trabajado bien, se ha logrado un aprendizaje adecuado, a veces mejor. Creo que no había otra alternativa, pero la calidad del proceso es otro asunto
In terms of challenges, working parents face huge challenges in supporting, guiding and managing young children. Especially, in country like Sri Lanka, both parents used to work. Those who look after children during day time lack knowledge in handling technology. Also, the traditional method of teaching and learning process has created teachers those who are not much familiar with online teaching platforms. Thus, the use of technology has become the biggest challenge. In addition to that insufficient and unequal distribution of resources, both physical and human has created social division. The private/international schools continue to use online platforms and perform teaching while state funded schools unable to cater Island wide needs. Also, it is a question that how far online teaching supports the development of skills, affective and psychomotor domains. However, the online platform is the best learning platform if the teachers are trained, facilities are provided to face the global pandemic situation.
Enforced online teaching is very non-effective, for various complex reasons. I work mainly with teachers (an my students) to partake sporadically in creative elaboration tasks and art integration (in chemistry for me) to keep students challenged and motivated so that they can endure more traditional lessons afterwards. In addition, the neuro-pedagogical principle of avoiding cognitive overload is a must: not more than 4 items for a period lesson.
It depends on the target audience its very difficult for children less than 5 year and i found it unsuccessful. Also in my country people not yet familiar with those technology and on otherhand in my contry the services is not that Developed and estsblished
I agree with the previous responses. In the light of the situation, online teaching helped pupils, students, teachers and anyone involved in education to keep contact.
Moreover it serves as opportunity to research around it.
Hopefully useful findings might be found to be used in a future pandemic or quarantine, which nobody wants certainly.
Online teaching is an excellent idea at post graduate level. At graduate level a good number of students joining college/university for both studies and fun. As the online teaching lacks the aspects of fun, students seems less interested in attending the classes. Moreover, to capture the attention of students the teacher has to struggle a lot. Several students who are having equal interest both in academic as well as sports shows less interest in online teaching. Further, majority of school students are coming to school to meet their friends together with studies. For them online teaching is nothing more than killing time. In order to make online teaching interesting and rewarding higher technology is to be used. Thus, higher technology is made available at both ends, at teacher level and at student level.
Online learning is a must given the pandemic but has its disadvantages especially for young children. It gives educators a chance to be innovative and creative.
Thank you all for your answer. The challenges faced by learner's, teachers and educational institutions are many. Some may be technical, other may be inadequacy or adaptability of teachers or educational institutions to move from onsite to online. While there may be advantages of online learning, but the challenges remain.
If we could do a cross-country assessment, the result would be valuable to all stakeholders. I this propose:
We will share data and do individual write up...ultimately an online conference on the subject and proceeding publications. Individual articles will also be sponsored for publication with individual DOI.
Thank you in advance for your interests. I look forward to our collaboration.
Well for me, there is always a purpose for everything. Experiencing this Pandemic enable me to learn the various online platform and the skills needed from the setting up to troubleshooting of gadgets just to share and impart knowledge to my students. Online learning is good but this requires ICT skills on the part of the students and teachers, good internet connection, and availability of resources like ebooks and journals to supplement nt your discussion.
My colleague, Ardith Haley, and I have been teaching an online master's degree program in curriculum and instruction at Acadia University in Nova Scotia for the past seven years. We also created online masters and doctoral programs for Western Australia University. We have 99% retention and have graduated over 120 students since 2014 and, trust it or not, our program is quite rigorous.
The point of that information is to give context to this answer. The answer regarding the effectiveness of online teaching is that it relies on a few basic requirements and suppositions:
1. Assistance for the teacher and student from trained technical experts who can trouble-shoot the random internet and connectivity problems as well as the hardware issues specific to the various platforms used by students (Chromebook, cell-phone, I-pad, PC, Apple, etc.).
2. Regular and embedded formative assessment within each session - using the chatbox to ask questions and receive answers from EVERY student. We also recommend assigning rotating students to become the "chat monster" and write down bullet points of anything that is spoken both from the teacher and the learners. The notion of the "chat monster" also ensures engagement (at least for the time they are serving) by every student as you rotate through the lessons.
3. Shorter chunks (7-12 minutes) of information and then a formative review of what was just taught after each "chunk" asking in the chatbox for the students to put in their own words what was just learned. Even if they find themselves parroting the students, at least they are engaging and the sheer weight of reading all the answers enhances recall.
4. Copying and sharing the chatbox with all the students at the end of every class. It has now become a form of "textbook" for your course with all the information you have shared in the class.
5. Start and end every class session with a "hook." This is either a YouTube video that illustrates the topic of the day or something topical to what is going on the world (or at least the students' worlds). Or something just fun. This takes about 5 minutes at the beginning and end of a class. The offering at the beginning allows time for everyone to get logged in, address technical issues, get settled, have "community building" conversations, etc.
6. Teach for "Value and Transfer™ of the information as opposed to only asking learners to reach the "knowledge" or "understanding" level of the information. This V&T enhances intrinsic motivation and learning outcomes.
If you have made it this far in this blah, blah, blah - good on ya' mate. I wish you all good outcomes and joyful online teaching. Dale Lonis
Responder la pregunta exige mencionar mi postura frente al carácter de la Didáctica. Para mi la Didáctica es una ciencia; por lo tanto, considero sus 3 leyes y sus principios (los universales y los del modelo de mi universidad). Sobre esa base, estructuro el sistema con los componentes personales y no personales de su sistema categorial.
En dicho sistema , los recursos tecnológicos -ahora imprescindibles-, los utilizo haciendo que adquieran la categoría de medios; es decir, que viabilicen los diferentes tipos de contenidos y que faciliten el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Resalto que, pongo en vigencia el principio de pedagogizar la tecnología; es decir, no tecnologizo la pedagogía.
El aprendizaje lo estructuro mediante tareas que incluyen actividades. Elaboro una guía de aprendizaje; y una rúbrica que señala los criterios y niveles de desempeño.
Las tareas incluyen actividades independientes y colaborativas. En las independientes los estudiantes pueden realizar consultas, en las colaborativas, les hago acompañamiento en sus momentos de reunión virtual. Al culminar las tareas, presentan los trabajos en plenarias virtuales, los mismos que son evaluados , de manera participativa -auto, co y hetero evaluación- asignando los puntajes conforme a los criterios y niveles establecidos en la rúbrica.
Adicionalmente, al término realizan individualmente la comprobación del aprendizaje en una prueba que evalúa el nivel alcanzado en la competencia de la unidad, con base en la rúbrica. Finalmente, se lleva a cabo el examen colaborativo; cumpliendo una tarea práctica. Evaluada también con los criterios y niveles contenidos en la rúbrica.
It is so far the best solution to ensure the continuity of teaching and learning during the pandemic. However, the affective component of learning is missing in it, which needs to be taken into consideration to enhance the efficacy of online learning. is a delivery mode and medium. Since the effectiveness is mixed, we might want to explore PORTABLE PLATFORM commonly used in distance learning in the past.
I have been developing online teaching for 6 years, that is, before the pandemic. The results will be favorable to the extent that students are involved in their training, and to the extent that teachers know how to experiment with new teaching strategies.
In my online teaching, the effectiveness is continuously learning while still at home. The challenges are more than the effectiveness. Weak or very slow signal or connection of internet, limited mobile data, financial aspect to buy materials needed for setting up experiment because mostly of their family members have been lay-off from works. In technology, they are using their mobile phone to attend the online classes. While in online learning platform, we are using Google classroom as learning management system due to its user friendly features. are right on point. The effectiveness of online learning depends on the active participation of learner's and teachers. The teacher must know how to deliver content and students must be motivated to engage. Technological infrastructure must be in place to assure accessibility.
online teaching affords both the learner and the teacher the opportunity to practically used ICTs. This is very crucial in this computer age however the Zimbabwean scholars and the teachers are limited due to lack of compatible gadgets and online teaching might not be very effective for beginners in more technical and practical areas as in engineering but very effective for humanities. are correct, technical courses requiring experimental lab may not be appropriate for online learning. Lecture courses may be delivered through online courses.
Online learning using internet is possible provided we have the infrastructure in place. But it also requires competence of ICT skills by learners if we are to embrace it