The effectiveness of cycling exercise is centred in two objectives, the first is the benefits of closed kinetic chain strengthening of the knee muscles, which reduces the forces around the ligaments. The second is the improvement of coordination and the effectiveness of muscle contraction. We can also consider the aerobic benefit of cycling exercise.
Physiotherapy (Physical Therapy) intervention for those with TKR (TKA) which includes the utilization of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in the first 6 weeks post surgery has been proven to be effective in long term strength and function.
Restoration of physical function in patients following total knee arthroplasty: an update on rehabilitation practices
Bade, Michael J.; Stevens-Lapsley, Jennifer E.
Current Opinion in Rheumatology: March 2012 - Volume 24 - Issue 2 - p 208-214
This has been my personal experience as well with helping to rehabilitate many individuals s/p TKA. High quality physical therapy intervention that is efficient, timely and effective can have long term improvements in function especially with obtaining proper quad activation early on post operatively.
Cycling after a total knee replacement can improve range of motion. This exercise is often included in physical therapy after TKR, as early as the first week after surgery.
Early on, the seat can be raised to limit the amount of bending required. You might only be able to do partial revolutions at first, and this is normal. As motion improves, the seat can gradually be lowered.
Cycling for range of motion is performed slowly, pausing at the top to stretch into bending, and at the bottom of the revolution to stretch into extension — a straight-knee position. During the range of motion phase, there is no added resistance on the bike.
Avid exercisers may be accustomed to moderate to high-intensity workouts. However, for patients who have recently undergone a total knee replacement, it is important not to over-exert initially.
Actually Cycling is one of the self stretching and strengthening exercise which could be apply after total knee replacement for maintaining Joint Range of Motion, Increase Muscle power and flexibility, improve coordination and use as muscle setting exercise. But After comprehensive assessment by qualified Physiotherapist it should be prescribed as the condition and gradually it should increase velocity, intensity and duration.
Cycling should always be started in Moderate Protection Phase (week 4-8 after TKR surgery). Stationary cycling is effective in : 1) To increase Cardiopulmonary endurance . 2) With seat positioned as high as possible we can improve knee Extension ROM 3) Seat lowered to increase knee flexion ROM
Reference: Therapeutic Exercise 6th Edition by (author) CAROLYN KISNER and LYNN ALLEN COLBY pg-785