I was introducing the iron oxide nanoparticles to MSC by coating them with poly-l-lysine. Not coated iron oxide in medium was only suspended and easily precipitated, whereas coated iron oxide introduced into the medium created a clear solution.
I was using 0,01% solution of PLL, I prepared the saturated solution of iron oxide nanoparticles in PLL solution (the excess precipitated), and so prepared iron oxide in pll was added at 1:400 to the medium.
The effectiveness: it was about 50-60% of cells contained the iron oxide within, as it was further verified by prussian blue staining. However after few days in culture, the iron oxide content was decreased, probably due to the proliferation of cells and distribution of iron oxide to the newly formed cells.
Unfortunately I haven't perform any in vivo tracking or even experiment, so I can't tell you. If your nanoparticles are superparamagnetic, than you could try the MRI or microCT?
yes my intention is to insert nano particles that contain an anticancer molecule and than insert them into MSCs, sure I can use an MRI....Have you noticed any morphological changes or abnormalities?
I didn't notice any abnormalities, but I used the iron oxide nanoparticles of average size about 50nm. I don't have any experience with any other kinds and sizes of nanoparticles