By definition a method is a procedure or technique for obtaining (scientific) findings or knowledge and methodology is the teaching or doctrine of scientific methods.
By definition a method is a procedure or technique for obtaining (scientific) findings or knowledge and methodology is the teaching or doctrine of scientific methods.
What i see the purpose of scientific research is to systematically gain knowledge/understanding about a problem or an issue. for the purpose we need to collect data (which i will say raw information) and we draw inferences from this data systematically to get the understanding about our problem. In my view Method is a way of getting that information or data from our population or sample. whereas methodology is the justification or logic of selecting certain method, keeping in view the rationale, objectives, theoretical and conceptual grounds of the study, to get the understanding from that raw information or data. So methodology is a broader term which describes the (philosophical) basis of knowledge or understanding mechanism about an issue. method simply lacks such justification.
What is the difference between method and methodology?
Method (systematic procedure) is subset of bigger umbrella of methodology (systems of methods) e.g. social science research methodology consist of quantitative research method, qualitative research method, mixed methods research.
A method is established procedure for handling data (i.e. Chi-Square for frequency distributions, ANOVA for comparing means, Regression for predicting, Factor Analysis for data reduction, etc.) on a known scale (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) or in field work for qualitative research, such as anthropology or archaeology. The established methods often transcend fields, and the assumptions to these methods should not be arbitrarily violated, or the results could become invalid. [Depends on types of data]
On the other hand, methodology is the creative uses of such established methods germane to the individual researcher or team of researchers to find new knowledge. [Depends of types of questions about the types of data]
What is the difference between method and methodology?
Following the previous colleagues, by assuming the strategic management within a research practices, research methodology can be elucidated systematically across the approaches, strategies, methods, techniques, procedures and the tools of the study. Thus, it may have seen that method is one of the methodological issues.
The theory of how research should be undertaken, including the theoretical and philosophical assumptions upon which research is based and the implications of these for the method or methods adopted (Saunders, 2007).
The techniques and procedures used to obtain and analyze research data, including for example questionnaires, observation, interviews and statistical and non statistical techniques (Saunders, 2007).
Saunders, M.N., 2007. Research methods for business students, 5/e. Pearson Education India.
As told by other colleagues the method refers to our using any way or technique of research to solve our problem. But methodology refers to why these methods are used. Of course methodology originates from our point view or the philosophical looking to the ontology and epistemology. Sometimes we misuse the approaches with the techniques we use in our researches.