Cytokines are signalling molecules produced by cell for specific biological functions. For example, interleukin is a type of cytokine produced by white cells as signalling molecules. Chemokine is a type of cytokine that is produced as a "chemo-attractant molecules" i.e to attract cells to sites of infection/inflammation e.g. Interleukin 8. Cytokine is a general term used for all signalling molecules while chemokines are specific cytokines that functions by attracting cells to sites of infection/inflammation.
Cytokines are signalling molecules produced by cell for specific biological functions. For example, interleukin is a type of cytokine produced by white cells as signalling molecules. Chemokine is a type of cytokine that is produced as a "chemo-attractant molecules" i.e to attract cells to sites of infection/inflammation e.g. Interleukin 8. Cytokine is a general term used for all signalling molecules while chemokines are specific cytokines that functions by attracting cells to sites of infection/inflammation.
A cytokine and a chemokine are both small proteins made by cells in the immune system. They are important in the production and growth of lymphocytes, and in regulating responses to infection or injury such as inflammation and wound healing. Cytokines are the general category of messenger molecules, while chemokines are a special type of cytokine that direct the migration of white blood cells to infected or damaged tissues. Both use chemical signals to induce changes in other cells, but the latter are specialized to cause cell movement.
just to complete the picture, the production of cytokines/chemokines is not limited to cells of the immune system. Recent studies show that epithelial cells, adipocytes and others cell types are capable of producing cytokines as well.
Hi, just want to add a little bit, somewhat very simple explanation.
Cytokines are released by immune cells for the signalling function, and also can be used to identify what type of cell they are. While, chemokines are one type cytokines that has a more speicific function which are for cell migration and positioning. Both are widely variable and aggressively studied in immune cells, but yes, it doesn't leave out their presence in other type of cell in different system.
Cytokines generally act autocrine and paracrine mechanisms.
At the level of the target cells bind to specific, high-affinity receptors whereby it activated. When stimulation of cells leads to up-regulation of these receptors.
Chemokines act on the receptor associated G protein.
Most cytokines act on receptors with kinase cascades that regulate phosphorylation and thus affect the espresso genes.
Cytokines are defined as peptides or glikoproteiniski mediators mass 6000D 60,000 kilodalton (kDa) whose role is to transmit intracellular signals.
Chemokines are defined as chemotactic cytokines that regulate migration leukocita.Oni function as "traffic coordinators" in the immune and inflammatory responses.
Most chemokines has different effects from those in other people hemotaksin leukocyte, such as, for example, degranulation of mast cells or stimulation of angiogenesis.
Cytokines induce the formation of other cytokines creating ( "amplification cascade").
For most of cytokine signaling signal transduction mechanisms in the target cell include Jak / Stat times, while chemokin act through receptors related to G -protein.
One more thing about the activities and the importance of cytokines!
On your question I already answered directly before but I think it is useful to know this!
Cytokines are defined as a peptide or glikoproteidni mediators have a molecular weight from 6000 to 60,000 kilodaltons.
Transmit intracellular signals and act locally, and sometimes at the level of the whole organism as part of the endocrine system.
Include lymphokines, monokines, hematopoietic factors, interferons and others.
They are produced by immune, inflammatory and non-inflammatory cells, sometimes malignant.
The blood can be identified four cytokines:
Factor that stimulates macrophage colony
Stem cell factor
Lantentna form of transforming growth factor
For regulation of B and T lymphocytes are important cytokines that are produced in lymphocytes, and includes imterleukini 2,4,6,7,9,10,12.
Lymphokines are derivatives TH1 favor cellular immunity according to the inclination of IL-2 T cell encouraged to delayed type hypersensitivity.
Anti-inflammatory cytokines, which inhibit some aspects of inflammatory reaction and inhibit the production of chemokines.
Interferons are proteins produced by cells of the immune system in response to the presence of foreign substances such as viruses, parasites and tumor cells. Produced by the cells in the presence of RNA with a viral infection.
Viral interferons are factors that interfere with the replication of the virus. Poantigenskim classified characteristics.
They have antiviral, antipoliferativno and immunomodulatory effects.
Chemokines are chemotactic cytokines that play a role in the regulation of leukocyte migration
More than 40 different chemokines
Classified into two main groups: C-X-C and C-C chemokines
Act through receptors to G-proteins
Chemokines are chemotactic cytokines that play a role in the regulation of leukocyte migration
More than 40 different chemokines
Classified into two main groups: C-X-C and C-C chemokines
Act through receptors to G-proteins
One more thing about the activities and the importance of cytokines! On your question I already answered directly before but I think it is useful to know this!A large number of cytokines (inhibitors) is included in the down-regulation of disease development
The tests must be carried out in vivo conditions
IL-4 increases the control of the majority of T and B cell functions
Transforming growth factor β (TGF β) is imposed as an immunosuppressive cytokine
Most common autoimmune diseases are rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren's syndrome, insulin dependent diabetes, Graves' disease and thyroiditis Hashmitov
Cytokines play a role in tissue damage, or in the late stage of autoimmune diseases
Cells joints reumaotidnog arthritis contain related cytokine mRNA
Examined the regulation of IL-1 in diseased joints of rheumatoid arthritis