Pyrolysis is a prominent technique for producing bio-oil from biomass waste while fast pyrolysis results in higher yield of bio-oil having high energy density than bio-oil from slow pyrolysis.
Based on a research we have performed, the chemical composition of bio-oil (tar) is highly dependent on the heating rate and temperature. During slow pyrolysis (heating rate about 1 C/s), we observed that tar is mainly composed of single-ring aromatics and aliphatics. However, when we increased the heating rate during fast pyrolysis (100 C/s), the tar compounds underwent secondary pyrolysis reactions, heavier compounds formed from 1 to 5 ring aromatics. This paper has useful information:
Article Characterization of pyrolysis products from fast pyrolysis o...
Thank you very much for your eminent answer with a supported journal. Would you please send me your paper regards to chemical composition of tar from slow pyrolysis? @Saeed Safdari