The only answer that i can possible contribute is due to those who Believe, Loved, and had unclenching Hope
That was the foundation to overcome what the world would want me to Believe. However as my journey through life continued, 2 circles emerged (only as recently -- January 2018) recognized as planar projections of the bubbles which my financial advisor Steve Musick describes in his book "Heaven on Earth".
The 2 congruent circles, the 1st exhibits clockwise motion, the 2nd counterclockwise. See the Israel Flag to visual the two. I am very interested in continuing this dialogue. Thank you for providing me with the opportunity
The cause of shy in children is usually occurs when they are not allowed to explore in their environment. Children overcome shy when adults do not shut them up when the ask a lot of question demanding an answer.
Shy children may refuse to participate in athletic or dance activities, they may look only at the ground when around unfamiliar individuals, and they may go to great lengths to avoid calling attention to themselves ("Don't whistle, dad; people will look at us"). Shy children want to interact with unfamiliar others