Madding a sistematic review of literature. You can do this planning what you want to research, the questions you want to answer, were you will research, keywords that you will use, and etc. Than, in scopus or google scholar or other one you prefer, you put your keywords, and reading the title and abstract you select the articles that interest you. After that you read the most relevant ones to you. In the final, you will be able to see the state of art of the field of interest, and the oportunities of research.
plan out accordingly, find out current thrust areas of research, review the literature extensively, Spend more time on it. Question yourself about the concepts it will give you a better understanding.
Find out current thrust areas of research, review the literature extensively, Spend more time on it. however, this might be time consuming and less effective way in determining the knowledge gap. My advice to you,
(1) read at least one recent bibliometric paper on your topic.
(2) At least two systematic paper on the same topic.
(3) Read few review papers and focus on the section of future research agenda. For instance, in this paper Khatib, S. F. A. (2020) ‘Corporate governance mechanisms and capital structure. Research mentioned at the conclusion several gaps for future research.
doing the first three steps is only to have a fairly clear picture about what is needed to conduct your research and what are main points researchers keep asking for future research to cover them. Hence, in the second step, is conducting a systematic review for more precise picture, and also, to confirm that the point you have selected has not been cover in the literature.