01 January 1970 28 9K Report

Is there a best  sample variogram? How can we find it( appropriate initial

parameters such as model type, range, sill, and nugget ) quickly?


1. The maximum Lag distance(cutoff) should  < sqrt(2) *1/2 Maximum point distance;the minimum  Lag distance should > Minumum point distance;the number Lag bins large need to than 10?  (13 in geoR ,15 in gstat by default)  Is there a standard or theory value for this?

2. What is a suitable search radius of search neighborhood? How many points in the neighborhood are best case (20?)? Is this related to block kriging?

3. The minimum sample points need larger than 80 or 100? Is there a standard or theory value for this?

4. The minimum pairs in each Lag bin need larger than 3, or 10?  Is there a standard or theory value for this?

5. The first several points in sample variogram most important,  Is there a standard value or theory to know how many points in the first  part of lag distance?

6. What is a suitable range (the average size of physical anomalies in the

spatial fluctuation?)and sill threshold for the data sets? Can we do some prediction or estimation of them before draw the sample variogram based on knowledge or experience. 

7. Is there a standard or beautiful shape of sample variogram against lag intervals?  What is your expects when you do the sample variogram? Does the shape need to be smooth? Is there a standard or theory value for this?

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