Dear Jasper. Try this article physica status solidi (c) 07/2005; 2(10):3742 - 3745. DOI:10.1002/pssc.200461804
but lowering the level of ammonia, just to keep alkaline your bath to allow selenire decomposition and release selenium. Or you could try instead KOH to avoid ammonia to complex Cd2+. In ny case you would observe the bath turning red and then you would have to stop the reaction to get the NPs. Size control is tricky with simple baths, you probably will need to add surfactants/capping agents such as TOPO or ZnS. But of course it depends on the apolications and the research level you are doing. With the above directions (alkalinw bath, cdcl2 and na selenut) you certainly will get cdse nps
You can use NaOH/KOH for your reaction system at room temperature.
I would also suggest that you can use NaBH4 as well for your reaction at room temperature. But in that case you will have to stabilize your reaction system with addition of NaOH in the beginning to minmize the toxic effect of NaBH4.
How did you prepared sodium selenite? Have you tried nh4oh instead of naoh\koh? Probably you are precipitating all the cd as cd(oh)2 before it can react with se...or try to alkalinize the selenite solution then add cdcl2...