I work on materials used for photovoltaic applications. I am looking for a physical program to use for simulate and determine the properties of a solar cell.
If you are dealing with thin film solar cell modeling SCAPS could be an option, which is free. Conversely, as far as I know, it is not useful for modeling the effect of ''quantum size'' when it comes to nanoestructured solar cells.
The comparison between gallium arsenide and indium gallium arsenide as materials for solar cell performance using Silvaco application, Suhaila Mohd Zahari etal,
AIP Conference Proceedings 1660, 070047 (2015);
Simulation of the Efficiency of CdS/CIGS Tandem MultiJunction Solar Cells Using AMPS-1D Ashrafalsadat S. Mirkamali, Khikmat Kh. Muminov
Simulation Study of the Composite Silicon Solar Cell Efficiency Sensitivity to the Absorption Coefficients and the Thickness of intrinsic Absorber Layer, V. Tudić, N. Posavec
Modelling of thin-film silicon solar cells, M. Zemana, O.Isabella, S. Solntseva, K. Jägerab
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol119, 2013, 94-111
Full text available @ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927024813002584
Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of n-p-n-p Silicon Multilayer Solar Cells, Abdellatif Bouzidi , Ahmed S. Bouazzi, Mosbah Amlouk, Open Journal of Microphysics, 2012, 2, 27-32
If the structure is unidimensional, SCAPS could be very easy and efficient. However, if your structure is 2D, the most adequate software is silvaco TCAD. Could you share with me your structure for better advise?