Option 1: I would like to label an exposed His8 tag with a compound that will stay bound to the His8 tag during denaturing SDS-PAGE resolution of protein bands. In this way, non-labeled proteins should migrate faster (i.e. lower) in the gel, whereas proteins with a successfully-labeled His8 tag should be shifted higher in the gel relative to the unlabeled counterparts (as they are running more slowly).

Option 2: I would like to label an exposed His8 tag with a fluorescent compound (with an emission profile distinct from GFP) that will stay bound to the His8 tag during SDS-PAGE. Different amounts of His8 labelling could then be compared via densitometry.

Option 3: Options 1 and 2 COMBINED (this would be an ideal scenario)

NOTE: Ideally, the probes should be commercially available.

Any ideas?

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