Safety net for poor and jobless workers, subsidies for small farmers and entrepreneurs. Relief in taxes for the production fields. These are the short term strategies.
Compliance with WHO regulations in safety and self hygiene, economic support to people and businesses, safe and nutrious food and water, social justice, women as centre of family, equality in gender and religious beliefs, adequate health facilities. Value based leadership
Raising awareness to different groups sectors of society to help them understand about CIVID -19, how it is spread and how it can be prevented and change of habitual practices such as hand shaking, group gatherings and unnecessary movement in public spaces. Promoting personal hygience, social/physical distancing and following health standards or guidelines. Being responsible for one's health and that of others and being vigilant at all times. Seeing oneself as being part of the solution by willing to support and contribute in meaningful ways.
Fiscal Policy focus on Preventive awareness at mass level, immediate revitalizing health care structures & systems, basic income support to people and financial support to MSMEs.