I would suggest the colloidal silica polishing suspension (OPS) available in Buehler metallography supply. It is used for final step of polishing, and a little bit corrosive (good for etching out the GB). After this, the dendritic and interdendritic morphology can be clearly observed under BSE.
According to my exerience, there is an etching for each alloy, in several case the etchant could be good for a family of alloys if they are composed of similar metallographic phases. For a better selection is necessary to know the alloys of interest. Mechanical process as is suggested by Shaolou Wei are good too, but you could need a lot of time for some alloys.
A very nice book with a lot of recipies of etching is the "Metallographic etching" by Günter Petzow. We use it to find the etching procedure but in general you will need tunning the proportions and times.
Other, good source is the "ASM Handbook Volume 9: Metallography and Microstructures".
In some cases, technical notes of companies as: Buehler, Struers, etc. are very usefull.
For some complex cases you could vitist the journal "Metallography (Elsevier)", It is discontinued now but could have some especial cases.