I have 7 terpene external standards but I found nearly 60 terpene compounds in my pine samples which I do not have standards. In each sample I have also internal standard. I know that between terpene volatiles the differences in chemical structure are quite diverse, not like many of the diterpene resin acids.
What is the basis to assign an equivalence to a terpene without standard using another terpene which I have its standard?
- Closest terpene with standard in the chromatogram?
- Closest terpene using chemical structure?
- Using internal standard with those I do not have external standard?
Ex. Suppose I have Pinocarvone in my sample, but not its external standard. As external standards I have a-Pinene, b-Pinene, Limonene and b-Caryophyllene. Which one could be the best for that compound and why?
This is a question addressed more to chemists than ecologists (like me).
Thank you very much in advance.