11 November 2018 4 6K Report

In fact, this problem has been deeply troubling us:

1. Are “infinite sets” in present set theory “actual infinite sets” or “potential infinite sets”?

2. Are infinite elements in infinite sets “actual infinite many” or “potential infinite many”? If they are “actual infinite many”, how can we conduct the quantitative cognitions to them; and if they are “potential infinite many”, how can we conduct the quantitative cognitions to them? If Set A has more eliminates than Set B, can we say “Set A is more infinite than Set B”? can we really have “infinite”, “more infinite”, “less infinite”, “more more infinite”, “less less infinite”, “more more more infinite” “less less less infinite”, “more more more more infinite”, “less less less less infinite”, “more more more more more infinite”, “less less less less less infinite”, “more more more more more more more infinite”, “less less less less less less infinite” and “more more more more more more more more infinite”…?

3. What kind of mathematical tool of “one-to-one correspondence” is? When we conduct the quantitative cognitions to different infinite sets with “one-to-one correspondence” tool, is it “one element corresponding to one element” or “many elements corresponding to one element” or “many elements corresponding to many elements”, is it “potential infinite many elements corresponding to potential infinite many elements” or “actual infinite many elements corresponding to actual infinite many elements” or “potential infinite many elements corresponding to actual infinite many elements”?

4, can we have many different bijection proofs with different one-to-one coresponding results between two infinite sets? If we can, what conclusion should people choose in front of two opposite results, why?”

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