i am searching about the rate of using the beneficial microbes (BM) in maize crop. but so for i have not found any clear literature about the amount used per hacter. plz help me with your knowledge and some literature.
The quantity of BM/EM for a crop is not specified. Using BM/EM for a particular crop depends upon its methods of application and environmental condition of a particular area. All these need proper calculation/assesment of the soil and its rainfall data. You may read many article of mine and many of my colleague.
Sir i have already followed your research papers in which the amount applied to soil is 25 liters per hacter is used. But i am not understanding that is it the amount of solution or 25 liter is the active BM. i have been told that 1 liter active BM will make a solution of 25 liter. So is solution is used at the of 25 liter per hacter or 25 liter active BM is used which will ultimately make a solution of 625 liters.
That is the quantity of the solution used for wheat crop in Dargai area, where farmer's are using tube well water for irrigation purpose. As I have mentioned that soil texture and structure in peshawar is different from dargai and your crop is also different. So you may find and study literature regarding our malakhandher farm and its other physio-chemical attributes.