When we review faculty for tenure and promotion, we require them to submit a teaching philosophy. It's a way to have them reflect about their teaching and think broadly about what their style and methods are in the classroom. The committee that evaluates faculty isn't looking for a specific answer. They are looking for faculty that have thought about the subject they are teaching and the best way to ensure that students learn and are challenged.
I agree that all teachers should be prepared and skilled at least in Philosophy of Teaching, although it would be best if they were prepared in the Philosophy of Education, and particularly in Philosophy of Learning, with more reason in the Promotion of Learning (active); Which can be summarized in the postulates of UNESCO, already known since the end of the last century, but still in force; Promote Significant Learning to:
Learn to Know. Within the Cognitive and Intellectual Competences, they are equivalent to the Declarative or Theoretical Knowledge
Learn to Do. Also within the Competencies, Psychomotor and Skills. Procedural Knowledge. Real-life application of acquired knowledge
Learning to Be. Psychological, Emotional and Behavioral Competences. introspection. Self-knowledge, Self-realization. Knowledge of Consciousness, Spiritual and Transcendental
And finally.
Learning to Learn in all areas of knowledge (already described), meaningful and lifelong.
Jose Luis
Estimado Muhibul Haque Bhuyan
Estoy de acuerdo en que todos los profesores deberían estar preparados y ser expertos por lo menos en Filosofía de la Enseñanza, aunque lo mejor sería que se prepararan en Filosofía de la Educación, y particularmente en Filosofía del Aprendizaje, con mayor razón en la promoción del aprendizaje (activo); que se puede resumir en los postulados de la UNESCO, ya conocidos desde finales del siglo pasado, pero aún vigentes; Promover el Aprendizaje Significativo para:
Aprender a Conocer. Dentro de las Competencias Cognitivas e Intelectuales, equivalen a los Conocimientos Declarativos o Teóricos
Aprender a Hacer. También dentro de las Competencias, Psicomotoras y Habilidades. Conocimientos Procedimentales. Aplicación en la vida real de los conocimientos adquiridos
Aprender a Ser. Competencias Psicológicas, Emocionales y Conductuales. introspección. Autoconocimiento, Autorrealización Personal. Conocimiento de la Consciencia, Espiritual y Transcendental
Y finalmente.
Aprender a Aprender en todos los ámbitos del conocimiento (ya descritos), con significado y para toda la vida.