Non-thermal plasma (NTP) is a weakly ionized gas far from thermodynamic equilibrium. While electron temperature is 1-10 eV, electrons are not able to transfer their entire kinetic energy gained from an externally applied electric field onto bigger particles and thus the gas remains non-thermal (Te >> Tg; Tg ≈ 300 - 1000 K
In non-thermal plasmas, their translational temperature is much smaller than their electron temperature and so excessive gas heating can be suppressed.
The general plasma contains ions , electrons, neutral atoms or molecules , and non-thermal plasma are those that do not equal the temperature of the ion with the temperature of the electron and approximately the temperature of ions are equal to the room temperature ,non-thermal plasma has many medical applications
A good example for a non thermal plasma is the atmosphere of the sun. Due tu the vast flow of energy through it, its state is far from thermal equilibrium. Often you will find statements about the temperature of sun's atmosphere but they are not founded, because this 'temperature' is not defined.