1. The best way for writing a review article is to find out a journal special issue associated with your topic interest. Usually it's easier to publish when you can hit the topic precisely. Usually special issues are focused on a precise topic, therefore, it would be easier for you to construct the idea of the review article. In addition, as these special issue topics are generally unique, so you don't need to find out on what topic you should write.
2. Try to search systematically with terms of interest by using advanced search options provided by PubMed, ISI Web of Science or Google Scholar. This will ensure you download the latest and highly related articles with your topic. Save systematically renaming from latest to older papers so that you can trace back those articles fast.
3. Make sure you don't just copy & paste. You need to generate sentences by compiling your understanding on a specific topic. If you have access to subscribed plagiarism checker, please make sure your similarity index is not more than 10%.
4. As review articles usually consist of many references, consider using Endnote or Mendeley software for your reference management.