It seemed like a normal question from one of my PhD students: What exactly is it good for to know the library of the author we deal with? She is writing her thesis about a 20th century Hungarian novelist: Géza Ottlik. And when she had seen his library (a lot of books, but almost no marginalia), although a lot of references to books in the oeuvre found), she got uncertain: what exactly can she do with her findings? She asked me for relevant literature, and I could only suggest a few:

Leah Price: Unpacking My Library: Writers and Their Books, 2011 – válogatás belőle:

Richard W. Oram (Editor), Joseph Nicholson (Contributor): Collecting, Curating, and Researching Writers' Libraries: A Handbook,  

Dirk Van Hulle, Mark Nixon: Samuel Beckett's Library, 2013

Dirk van Hulle. Modern Manuscripts: The Extended Mind and Creative Undoing from Darwin to Beckett and Beyond. London: Bloomsbury, 2014

Any more suggestions? Ideas, references? :)

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