The amount of radiant energy emitted by the sun is called solar radiation, While solar irradiation refers to the amount of solar radiation received from the Sun per unit area which is expressed in (kW/ m²).
Solar radiation is the radiant energy emitted from the sun. Irradiance refers to the amount of solar radiation obtained per unit area by a given surface (W/m2).
The amount of radiant energy emitted by the sun is called solar radiation, While solar irradiation refers to the amount of solar radiation received from the Sun per unit area which is expressed in (kW/ m²).
- Solar irradiance is the rate at which radiant power is incident on a surface per unit area of surface. The symbol is G and the unit is W per square meter.
-Solar irradiation is the incident energy per unit area on a surface, found by integration of irradiance over specified time (hour/day). The symbol is H, I and the unit are J per square meter.
For more information please refer to the following text book:
Ali H A Al-Waeli, Hussein A Kazem, Miqdam T Chaichan and K Sopian, “Photovoltaic/Thermal System: Principles, Design and Applications”, 1st Edition, Springer Nature 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-27824-3.
Solar Irriadiation has to do with the amount of Solar power available within a particular area measured per square meter. it has a unit of kW/m2. While Solar radiation is a measure of heat from the sun.
Solar irradiance is the rate at which radiant energy is incident on per unit area of the surface. So the unit of irradiance is J/s/m2 or W/m2 and "G" is mostly used symbol.
Solar irradiation is the incident energy per unit area on a surface, found by integration of irradiance over a specified time, usually an hour or a day. Thus the most commonly used unit of solar irradiation is J/m2.
To calculate PV generation, generally, solar insulation is used, which is a term applying specifically to solar energy irradiation. The symbol "H" is used for insolation for a day. The symbol "I" is used for insolation for an hour (or other period if specified). On the other hand, if you want to calculate instantaneous PV generation, then you have to use solar irradiance instead of solar radiation.