Hi, all
I have one question on my conjugation experiment.
I'm planning to transfer a plasmid by conjugation from E.coli s17-1 to Paracoccus denitirificans.
I referred the protocol here. https://www.protocols.io/view/Conjugation-on-filters-eqybdxw?step=5
On the last step of the protocol, the conjugation mixture of the two strains is incubated on a selective medium.
but, how to select only target plasmid harboring Pa.denitirificans?
I worry if the E.coli still had the plasmid, the selective antibiotics couldn't kill the E.coli.
then, I cannot distinguish whether it is E.coli or Pa.denitrificans.
So, I want to know the selective marker of Pa.denitrificans or medium that only Pa.denitrificans can survive in.
Or any features of two bacteria.
Do you have any suggestions? Please help me.