In such site of infection, mixed bacteria can be observed and mostly mixed Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa... The chance of mixed bacteria to be seen is higher than single-bacterial infection. Regard
Corynebacteria are present as a part of the polymicrobial flora in a large percentage of diabetic patients with foot infections. Other bacteria involved in the development of diabetic foot include obligate anaerobes, i.e., Bacteroides, Peptoniphilus, Fingoldia, Anaerococcus, and Peptostreptococcus.
Article Prevalence of Corynebacteria in Diabetic Foot Infections
Article Polymicrobial Nature of Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcer Biofilm ...
Article One step closer to understanding the role of bacteria in dia...
This question cannot be answered per se with a pathogens name. On the surface of an ulcus one may find colonizing flora from the surrounding skin or even from the environment. This flora may contain pathogens as for instance Staphylococcus aureus, non-fermenters, Enterobacteriales. However, one need to carefully clean the ulcus (debridement) and than take preferrable a biospy from the wound ground. Bacteria, found in such biopsies, are very much likely of being true pathogens. As with all superficial wounds, bacteria detected just from surface swabs may be colonizers or pathogens.