The question is a bit confusing: are you isolating RNA or DNA? And are you measuring DNA, RNA, or cDNA?
In general more information is needed. To estimate if your total yield is ok we need to know w the total volume (how many microlitres of 10 ng/µl do you have?).
One thing you can already consider: depending on what application you will use the RNA/DNA for, you may want to (re-)suspend your DNA in a smaller volume. 10 ng/µl is good for some applications (like most PCR-based methods), but too dilute for other methods.
I'm isolating RNA for gene expression analysis using RT-PCR. I performed the Trizol method for RNA extraction of mice brain tissues stored with RNA later, and after I measured RNA concentration using Qubit. RNA extracted was (re)suspended in 25 ul of RNAse free water, and presented values around 10 ng/ul of RNA concentration.
After, I measured the same samples using a Nanodrop and found extremely higher RNA concentrations (~1000 ng/ul).
In addition, i measured with Qubit the DNA concentration of my RNA samples after cDNA synthesis. Again, I found concentrations around 10 ng/ul.